Users tab

Adding, removing, and managing users

Jimmy Hall avatar
Written by Jimmy Hall
Updated over a week ago

General User Access
With Single Sign-On, we allow SAML access for users through your SSO provider.  User access is controlled by your IT team (as with your company's other apps).  Old user profile pages must still be manually disabled in order to be hidden from the platform (through either a .csv file upload or by disabling each user on the Users tab.  Contact us for setup with SSO.

Without Single Sign-On, bulk users are added to the platform by uploading a .csv file (through us).  Please send us a file with each employee's name and email address (and department and office location, if available).  You may send us a weekly update of this file, or we may create a drop box for you to upload it directly.  Between updates, you may manually add (through the Invite a New User button) or remove users (through the Disable link) from the platform.

When a User is Invited, a Profile Card is Created
Without Single Sign-On, invited users will receive an email invite that allows them to create an account on the platform.  In all cases, right when a user is invited, a profile page is created for him/her that includes name and email address.  The user is thus able to be invited to events and recognized by peers (they will receive email notifications if either occurs).  The card will remain in the system until that user is marked, Disabled.

User Status
On the Users tab, you'll see all of the users who have been invited to the platform -- even if they haven't logged into the platform before.  Clicking on a status in the dropdown will filter and display the number of users in that status category.  Those categories are defined as:

Enabled: The sum of all users that appear in the platform (Active, Invite Pending, Invite Expired), not including the Disabled users.

Invite Pending: Users who have received an invite, but have not yet logged in for the first time.  For safety reasons, invites expire after one week, at which point users fall under the Invite Expired category.

Invite Expired: User who were invited to the platform, but did not log in during the allotted invite period (one week).  You may always send a new invite to users by clicking the Re-invite link by their name.  This will give them another week to log in.

Editing Profiles
You have the ability to edit the profiles of other users, as needed.  Click the "Edit" link beside the user to access this mode.  You may also do this through the "..." button the user's profile page.

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