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Contribute Your Own Stories to CultureHQ
Contribute Your Own Stories to CultureHQ
Jimmy Hall avatar
Written by Jimmy Hall
Updated over a year ago

Stories are the bread and butter of CultureHQ. They are the key for recruitment marketing efforts and for strengthening connections among employees.

Anyone in CultureHQ can contribute an unlimited number of stories. Once created, a story is live internally and can be seen by colleagues. To set it live externally (on social or the organization's Culture Page), an admin must approve the story. However, some orgs allow users to post externally directly from CultureHQ without admin approval.

Story Format

All stories are responses to prompts.

Prompts help frame a story in a sort of call-and-response format. Prompts can be answered with an unlimited number of stories by unlimited users.

If prompts are like songs, then story trends are the albums. A story trend captures a particular theme, under which specific prompts are grouped:

Creating Stories

Stories are best answered through our mobile app, which is very easy to use.

You may have been sent a story trend or a prompt by an admin, which you can receive as an in-app notification, a mobile notification, or an email.

You can also access story trends and prompts by clicking on the slider at the top of your Home page. Scroll down to see recent stories, which you can expand and then click, "+Add your story."

New stories will appear on the CultureHQ Home page. After Admin approval, they can be shared externally.

Any employee can create their own trend/prompt by clicking on the leftmost image in the Home page slider (which contains your profile photo or initials). You'll be asked to write or choose a prompt, and then add your story to it.

Your Story Content

The best stories include a photo or video that you have taken. In some cases, you may wish to speak directly to the camera in your video.

In the web version or the mobile app, open a story trend page, then click on the prompt you wish to answer.

Then, click to upload your photo or video. Note that some prompts will specify a photo or video or both as the specific media type for that prompt.

Take a new photo or video, or upload an existing one. Then, fill out your text at the top. Here, it may make sense to write only a few words, or a longer-form story.

Then, add any tags to your story. These might be interests, skills, organizational values, or even teams or departments. Tags are important because they group your story with existing content, and because they appear as filters when shared externally.

If you use Slack, you can also select the channel that will notify colleagues of your new story. Hit the green button to post:

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