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CultureHQ Admin Guide
User Stories in 2024: A Faster Approach
User Stories in 2024: A Faster Approach
Jimmy Hall avatar
Written by Jimmy Hall
Updated over a week ago

As of April 2024, there is a faster way to invite your users to share stories. This new flow allows the users to contribute their stories without having to sign into CultureHQ. It has the following benefits:

  • provides a more direct approach to get stories quickly

  • does not require a user's SSO, VPN, or username/password

  • allows admins to separate one-time users from the platform

  • allows admins to post CultureHQ story URLs and see who responds, rather than appeal to specific users (see bottom of article)

Setting the Prompt / Trend Public

In order for a prompt or trend to be answered by users outside of the platform, the trend page must first be set to a "Public" access level.

This allows the page to be visible via a public URL, and its approved stories to be visible as examples for users.

Once the trend page is public, you may copy the URL for this page or for any prompt within it. The URL can be shared with users (new or existing), or posted on an intranet, etc.

The User's Flow

The User Completes Their Story

Any user (whether they have come into CultureHQ before or not) can click on your URL and provide their story.

Clicking on the URL will take the user to the relevant prompt or trend page, accessed via Web on the PC or mobile:

The user will have the benefit of seeing existing stories in the bottom-left of the page to serve as helpful examples. Only stories that the admins have approved will show here.

The User's Profile Information

After completing their story, the user will be asked for their email address. If the system identifies them as a current user, their story will be sent for approval.

If the system does not recognize their email address, they will be asked to complete a user profile. This includes fields for name, title, department, location, and a profile photo. The user must also agree to CultureHQ's policies, and to their own employer's consent or release form, if provided.

After the user is recognized or completes the profile creation, their story will be uploaded and sent for approval:

The user will then arrive at the trend page, where they will have a chance to complete stories from other prompts.

Organizing Users

In addition to approving new stories, admins can also approve or leave pending new users on CultureHQ.

In the "Users" section of the Admin tab, new users from this public flow will be labeled and appear in a "Pending" state.

When you approve a new user in this state, they will become Enabled and be granted access to the CultureHQ platform.

If you keep the user in a pending state, they will not be given access to the CultureHQ platform, but can still contribute from the outside in perpetuity.

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